Thursday, 16 May 2019

Electric Village Visit

Hi again I will show you another one of my blog posts. Thursday 9th May...When we got to the Electric Village, we all learnt all about technology and Electricity and they also had E scooters and E bikes. After that we even were allowed to have a go on an E scooter and play with little Electric robots. When we finished we could take a free shower timer. A shower timer is a little timer you stick to your shower. Then we all lined up to have a free lollipop on the way out.


  1. Hey Mac I bet you the E scooter was fun it reminds me of my friends E scooter. (it was super fast) Did you learn lot's about the environment. Because when we went we learnt a lot about the environment. I enjoyed the E scooter The best. What did you enjoy?

  2. Hi Jack thanks for the comment. The E scooter was my favorite part because the E scooter went super fast. Also the robots were fun to control and you had to draw where you wanted them to go.


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